From Stone Age Families and John Lennon to Knights Both Dark and White
Jan 12, 2018
By Zach Hollwedel
It was another grand year for comic book fans. Whether your preference is superheroes, character studies, sci-fi adventures, or memoirs, 2017 offered a plethora of amazing books and series to choose from. More
Our Favorite First Full-Lengths From the Last Year
Dec 31, 2017
By Mark Redfern
The majority of 2017’s best debut albums came from female artists or bands fronted by women, from London-based all-female indie-pop teenaged trio Girl Ray and Syria-born singer/songwriter Bedouine (aka Azniv Korkejian) to Australian indie rocker Alex Lahey and New Zealand bedroom pop artist Fazerdaze (aka Amelia Murray). Midnight Sister, Priests, and Charly Bliss are all female-fronted bands as well, on top of other women solo artists on our Top 15 Debut Albums of 2017 list. More
Another Dark Year Was Brightened By a Plethora of Fantastic Albums
Dec 30, 2017
By Mark Redfern
2016 was regarded as a fairly rough year by many, but 2017 was no walk in the park either. 2016 was mired by the deaths of several beloved musical icons (David Bowie, Prince, Leonard Cohen, George Michael, and Sharon Jones among them) and the disappointing and divisive Presidential election, but in 2017 we had to deal with the ramifications of said election (we’d say that roughly 95% of the musicians we interview likely don’t support many, if any, of President Trump’s policies). More