Diane Obomsawin | Under the Radar Magazine Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
Tuesday, November 5th, 2024  



Written and drawn by Diane Obomsawin

Jun 05, 2009

Diane Obomsawin’s inaugural graphic novel in English is Kaspar, a sadly truncated volume that unveils the life of Kasper Hauser. The Canadian filmmaker and cartoonist’s envisage of this unbelievable narrative is told frankly in comparison to the more extravagant tones already lended to Hauser by the likes of Werner Herzog and Harlan Ellison. No mention of the controversy of whether Hauser is just a snappish fraud is discussed nor is even much revealed about his death. Obomsawin favors the part of the man-child’s life where he was introduced into bourgeoisie society. After all, the other side of erudite culture studies that as well. More