Matt Hines Reflects on the Last Year
Jan 31, 2013
By Under the Radar Staff
For Under the Radar‘s 10th annual Artist Survey we emailed some of our favorite artists a few questions relating to 2012. Pick up the Best of 2012 issue to read many of the responses. We are also posting additional web-exclusive bonus answers to the website. These are from artists whose surveys are in the print magazine, but are extra answers that didn’t fit in the issue. Here are bonus answers from Matt Hines of The Eastern Sea. More
Sep 21, 2012
By Mike Hilleary
When Matthew Hines, songwriter and creative leader of the Austin-based ensemble The Eastern Sea set out two years ago to start work on his debut full-length, he already had settled on a name for the record, one inspired while reading Albert Camus’ 1947 novel The Plague. Hines now looks back on the decision with at least a few regrets. More