Photo Blog I: Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Photo Blog I: Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros

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Sep 26, 2012 Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros Bookmark and Share

First night of tour in Berkely:

“Odessa rocking crash’s fleshy sweater and spreading the peace in the cool sun.”

Doheney Days Festival:

” ‘Hey Alex, remeber that time you…’ “

“This is what a man on fire looks like!”

Day off in Chico CA!

“Seth reflecting between shows”

“Day off at a hotel with a pool in Chico, CA. WAHOO!!” (Stewart)

“Family dinner. Believe me, ya’ll, we were so hungry.”

“What’s a family dinner without the Huey Lewis hits from mitchell!!”



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July 14th 2016

I think I need a new pair of sneakers to alleviate that pain. I’m hoping tht821a;s all it is, since it kind of came back this morning. Fortunately, I was able to shake it off pretty quickly and be on with it.

September 7th 2018

Nice…Black Magic Problem Solution

Pawan Sharma
September 17th 2018

Good Post..Love Marriage Solutions