Alice Boman Shares Video for New Perfume Genius Collaboration “Feels Like a Dream” | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Alice Boman Shares Video for New Perfume Genius Collaboration “Feels Like a Dream”

The Space Between Due Out October 21 via [PIAS]

Aug 22, 2022 Photography by Johan Olofsson Bookmark and Share

Alice Boman has shared a self-directed video for her new single, “Feels Like a Dream,” a collaboration with Perfume Genius (aka Mike Hadreas). It is the latest release from Boman’s forthcoming album, The Space Between, which will be out on October 21 via [PIAS]. View the video below.

In a press release, Boman states: “In the past I’ve written a lot of songs about disappointments, heartbreaks and the longing for love. Being in love—I thought it would be so hard to write songs about that. Not wanting to sound too cheesy. But love can be cheesy. And this song is about how it sometimes feels like a dream to be with that someone. Especially when you’ve been wondering if you’d ever find love.

“Me and Mike have been writing to each other on Instagram here and there. Once we talked about maybe doing a cover of a mutual favorite song—Fleetwood Mac’s ‘Storms.’ When I talked to Mike about doing something together for the album I was working on, and sent him a few demos, he chose ‘Feels Like A Dream.’ I think it works beautifully as a duet—us representing and singing from the two sides of a relationship. I have listened to Perfume Genius for a long time and love his voice and sound and I’m thrilled that he wanted to be a part of this.”

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