alt-J Share Video for “Deadcrush (Alchemist x Trooko Version)” Starring Danny Brown | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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alt-J Share Video for “Deadcrush (Alchemist x Trooko Version)” Starring Danny Brown

Reduxer Due Out September 28 via Canvasback Music/Atlantic

Sep 05, 2018 alt-J

On September 28 alt-J are releasing Reduxer, a new release they are calling a reinterpretation album, which is essentially a radically different remixed version of their last album, Relaxer, which came out in June 2017. The previously shared “Deadcrush (feat. Danny Brown) (Alchemist x Trooko Version)” now has a video. Jeron Braxton directed the partially animated clip, which also stars Danny Brown. Watch it below.

Braxton had this to say about the video in a press release: “After listening to the ‘Deadcrush’ remix I wanted to create something that complemented the dark tones of the song. Visually the video tells the story of how the CIA introduced old guns and cocaine into the black community in order to raise funds for the Nicaraguan contras. The introduction of weapons and cocaine in the black community gave power to the War-on-Drugs and the amount of Black men incarcerated creating this violent cycle of destruction that plagues the black community today. The blue flames represent the violent cycles of destruction. The demons creating the fire symbolize how drug addiction and gun violence are like demons that posses its victims to keep the cycle going. Slavery never really ended but just evolved into mass incarceration.”

Reduxer is due out via Canvasback Music/Atlantic. The album features “In Cold Blood (feat. Pusha T) (Twin Shadow Version),” which the band performed in June with Pusha T and Twin Shadow on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert and also released as a digital single.

Alt-J issued this previous press release statement about the album: “It’s no secret that we love and are influenced by hip-hop, and it’s always been a dream of ours to work with hip-hop artists in reimagining our music. With Reduxer that dream has come true. We couldn’t be happier with the results. This album is truly global, featuring rappers and producers from all over the world. After a very long time in the making, we are stoked to share it with you all.”

Also read our interview with alt-J about Relaxer, our review of the album, and our Album of the Week write up on Relaxer.

Plus read our 2014 cover story interview with alt-J and our 2014 cover story bonus Q&A with the band.

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September 10th 2018

And the Kroger’s employees are mostly represented by collective bargaining agreements and many are represented by the United Food and Commercial Workers union.