American Versions of Torchwood and Doctor Who in the Works | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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American Versions of Torchwood and Doctor Who in the Works

Torchwood Star John Barrowman Tapped to Join Potental Cast

Jan 20, 2010 Doctor Who

America’s obsession with our British counterparts has produced its share of crossover television, ranging from the successful (The Office) to the forgettable (Coupling. Anyone? Anyone?). Potentially slated to join the list of American remakes, Under the Radar favorites, Torchwood and Doctor Who.

However, for those who might be concerned that an American Torchwood might veer towards the unforgettable, there is hope. As reported by The Hollywood Reporter, series creator Russell Davies is writing the script for a potential Fox remake. Moreover, series star John Barrowman, who plays Torchwood leader Captain Jack Harkness might be joining the American cast. Further details are still forthcoming, but the Hollywood Reporter goes on to hint, “The new show’s plot, the U.S. version will contain a global story line compared to the more localized sensibility of the first two BBC seasons.”

Details about a possible American Doctor Who remake are still scat. Jane Tranter, exec vp programming and production at BBC Worldwide Prods. in the U.S., is working up plans for an American Doctor Who. Tranter also worked on the British version of Doctor Who. British series star David Tennant is currently tapped for NBC pilot “Rex is Not Your Lawyer.”


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