Beach House To Release Short Film | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Beach House To Release Short Film

Titled Forever Still

Dec 14, 2012 Beach House Bookmark and Share

Following in the footsteps of Dave Longstreth and the Dirty Projectors, dream pop duo Beach House have announced the release of a short film titled Forever Still. According to the band the flick features four songs from their latest album Bloom being performed and recorded in various locations around El Paso and Tornillo, Texas, adding that it “follows the passing of one night, starting at sunset and ending at dawn.”

Beach House hope to finish the project by mid-January.

Down below are a few additional stills from the movie.



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Punta del Este Real Estate
December 17th 2012

I want to see the video-film “Forever Still”. Can anyone give more info where to find?

roofing in Maryland
April 13th 2013

Great video. It inspires me when I work to decorate my old country house. Does someone have ideas about the next album?