Beck Teases “Dreams” With Cover Art, New Song Might Debut on Monday | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Beck Teases “Dreams” With Cover Art, New Song Might Debut on Monday

Pittsburgh Radio Station WYEP Might Premiere New Song on Monday

Jun 11, 2015 Beck

Beck has posted a gif to Twitter that appears to be cover art to something titled “Dreams.” Whether it’s a new song or album or something else remains to be seen. Although The Future Heart reports (via Pitchfork) that a tweet from Kyle Smith, the musical director of the Pittsburgh radio station WYEP, suggests that they will be premiering a new Beck song on Monday at noon. The Future Heart also suggests that “Dreams” is said new song and that sounds a bit like Tame Impala if a since-deleted tweet from Rolling Stone’s Will Hermes is to be believed. If there is new Beck music on the way, it will be the follow-up to 2014’s Morning Phase, which won the Grammy for Album of the Year.

Check out the two Twitter posts below and remember that Beck’s is gif you can click on.


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Stang Brutus
June 11th 2015

That’s not a gif. Try dragging it to your desktop or right-clicking it.

July 14th 2016

ahh lo dijo todo Saga, y siento que todo se vuelve comercial y solo quieren venderte. Pobres chicos, menos mal que a mi no me educaron con que venia Santa Claus -jaaojajaSjludas