Belle and Sebastian, Björk, and R. Kelly To Headline 2013 Pitchfork Music Festival | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Belle and Sebastian, Björk, and R. Kelly To Headline 2013 Pitchfork Music Festival

July 19-21

Feb 01, 2013 Pitchfork Music Festival Bookmark and Share

The Pitchfork Music Festival has announced that Belle and Sebastian, Björk, and R. Kelly will serve as this year’s headlining acts. Taking place July 19-21 in Chicago’s Union Park the annual music event will feature over 40 additional artists that will be announced in the coming weeks.

Individual day tickets and three-day passes for the festival are on sale, with three-day passes are available for $120 and individual day tickets for $50. You can buy tickets here.



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