Blur Announces Record Store Day Single | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Blur Announces Record Store Day Single

First New Material In Seven Years

Apr 09, 2010 Record Store Day

After last year’s Hyde Park reunion shows, hopes were high that Blur would return with new material. As reported by The Guardian, hopes have come to fruition as the band has reunited once again for an exclusive Record Store Day single. Says lead man Damon Albarn, “We want independent record stores to continue. They’re an important part of our musical culture. Music is a simple way for Blur to show our support and we hope people like it.”

The Guardian goes on to report a band spokesperson has confirmed Blur is working on new material, but there are no immediate plans to record an album.



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Victoria Sobocki
June 5th 2010

Oh I heard it :) It is all right. nice that they are doing something again ;D