Blur to Release Retrospective Box Set | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Blur to Release Retrospective Box Set

Out July 30

Apr 19, 2012 Blur

Blur have announced the upcoming release of Blur 21, a career-spanning retrospective box set that will include all seven of the band’s albums in two-disc, deluxe edition formats, four discs of rarity tracks, three DVDs of previously unreleased footage, a collectible 7’’ of the rare but popular song “Songman,” unseen photographs, and last but not least, a massive book featuring interviews with the band. There will also be a separate box set for sale that assembles the band’s seven albums on vinyl. You can check out a cool trailer for the collection’s epic release on July 30 below. It seems the band truly is going out in style.



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