Bradford Cox Performs with Spoon on Jimmy Kimmel | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Bradford Cox Performs with Spoon on Jimmy Kimmel

Deerhunter Frontman Touring with Austin Rockers

Apr 16, 2010 Deerhunter

Spoon dropped by Jimmy Kimmel Live to perform the Transference cut “Who Makes Your Money.” By the way, perfect song selection for tax day. Tourmate and Deerhunter leader Bradford Cox added some of his guitar skills. Cox largely sticks to the background here, but throws in a back-to-back with bassist Rob Pope. Check out forthcoming tour dates at Spoon’s official site.

The Austin, TX rockers also played “Is Love Forever?,” without Cox. We’ve got both videos for your viewing pleasure below, via Prefix.

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April 17th 2010

Thank you for posting the videos! I missed watching it last night.