Casiokids Nominated for a-ha Grant | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Casiokids Nominated for a-ha Grant

Help Our Favorite Merry Pranksters Win With Two Clicks

Jul 13, 2010 a-ha

a-ha (go ahead, take a moment to sing “Take on Me), is giving back to their country mates. Since ramen noodles and equipment can be expensive, the Norwegian pop band is offering a grant ($154,662—no small chunk of change!) to an up-and-coming Norwegian act. Among the nominees? Former “Pleased to Meet You” artists, Casiokids.

Here’s how you can help them win the loot.

Voting Option 1:

Click here

Select “Casiokids” and press the button “Stem”.

In the next frame, enter an(y) e-mail address for the vote to count, and then press “Registrer” and that’s it!

Voting Option 2:

Should the link above not work for some reason you can also go here.

Scroll down to where it says STEM PÅ DIN FAVORITT HER, choose Casiokids and then enter an e-mail address.

Not enough to convince you? Would monkey suits do the trick?



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July 30th 2010

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January 3rd 2011

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