Clean Stephen Malkmus’ Dirty Mouth | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Clean Stephen Malkmus’ Dirty Mouth

Winner Gets a One-of-a-Kind 7”

Jul 15, 2011 Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks

Send the kids out of the room—Stephen Malkmus’ new single “Senator” gets down and dirty with the line, “I know what the senator wants—what the senator wants is a blowjob.” While you’re struggling to get that image out of your heads, Stephen Malkmus wants you to help him think of a replacement phrase. (Hey, even the king of Pavement needs radio play.)

The winner with the best turn-of-phrase will receive a one of a kind 7-inch featuring his/her new version of the tune alongside the original. Deadline for your wordplay is August 23—with a winner announced September 15. Head over here for contest details, and refresh your memory of the tune below.

(Via: Matablog)



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July 15th 2011

I know what the senator wants, what the senator wants is a snow plough.
I know what the senator wants, what the senator wants is your vote now.

November 13th 2011

interesting read. thanks :)
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