Colin Meloy Writes Children’s Book | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
Saturday, February 8th, 2025  

Colin Meloy

Colin Meloy Writes Children’s Book

Collaborates With Wife Carson Ellis

Nov 06, 2009 Colin Meloy Photography by Wendy Lynch Redfern

As illustrator Carson Ellis announced on her blog, she is currently working on a children’s book with husband Colin Meloy of The Decemberists. Known as the creator of The Decemberists’ cover art, Ellis explains the book is, “written by Colin and illustrated by me, called The Unfortunate Demise of Whitley Rackham. It’s been in the works for years but its completion seems to be on the horizon.” Very far on the horizon it seems—currently there are no concrete publishing plans.

(via Paste)

(via Pitchfork)


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