Dan Deacon: The Director | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
Friday, October 11th, 2024  

Dan Deacon: The Director

Collaboration With Jimmy Joe Roche

May 11, 2011 Dan Deacon

No-holds-barred performer Dan Deacon, has embarked on another all-or-nothing endeavor—film production. The musician has teamed with pal Jimmy Joe Roche to create Hivarenbeek, a surreal short film that involves some Danish fighters, American patriots, and Deacon as the coolest bearded Druid this side of Stonehenge. Check out the film below.

(Via: IFC)



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September 26th 2012

Haha, she is a tough one. Weird, huh? You’d think the main character would be easy to pin down. I piucertd her demure yet with an edge, and Alison Lohman seems to have that combination youthful, yet mature. It’s interesting you mention Natalie Portman. She has a very demure look about her, too, and I never would have thought of her. Hhhmmm

September 26th 2012

RACHEL!! Let’s open this bad boy give-away up! I’m game!!! You want my e-books. Yeah buddy! I’ll send it world-wide AND even pay shipping. I know, right? I’m crazy like that. Crazy like a wolf! Print book too. If you win and you’re not in the US . . . I ship it!! On your mark . . . get set . . . GOOOOO!