Deerhunter, Destroyer, Julia Holter and More to Play Le Guess Who? Festival | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Deerhunter, Destroyer, Julia Holter and More to Play Le Guess Who? Festival

November 19-22 in Utrecht, Netherlands

May 26, 2015 Le Guess Who? 2015

On November 19-22, Utrecht, Netherlands will once again host Le Guess Who? Festival. The already promising line-up already features Deerhunter, Faust, Destroyer, Adrian Sherwood at the Controls x3, Adrian Sherwood x Disappears, Shabazz Palaces, The Necks, Kaki King, Mirel Wagner, Lotic, and Bo Ningen. More artists are slated to be announced shortly.

In addition to the main program, Le Guess Who? will also feature a series of specialty programs. Among those is a night curated by Sunn O))). Among the acts announced for that event include Annette Peacock, Magma, Julia Holter, The Crazy World of Arthur Brown, Einheit Brötzmann, and Aluk Todolo.

If you’re headed to the Netherlands to check it out (which we highly recommend) you can grab your tickets here.




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