Devo Postpones Tour Due to Injury | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
Friday, January 24th, 2025  

Devo Postpones Tour Due to Injury

Live Shows Postponed Until 2011

Oct 27, 2010 Devo Photography by Wendy Lynch Redfern

Devo has pulled the plug on all their upcoming tour dates. Guitarist Bob Mothersbaugh recently sustained a major hand injury after a glass shard sliced his hand to the bone, severing a tendon. And what are you going to do without a majory player? (If you answered “Whip It” you are wrong. So very wrong.)

For all those with tickets, stay tuned. Mothersbaugh is expected to make a full recovery, and the band hopes to make good on all those missed dates in 2011. In the meanwhile, founding members Mark Mothersbaugh and Gerald Casale will still be at Moogfest on October 29th to accept the Moog Innovation Adward.



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