Dirty Projectors to Release Temecula Sunrise 12 inch Single in U.K. | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Dirty Projectors to Release Temecula Sunrise 12 inch Single in U.K.

Includes Two New Tracks, "Ascending Melody" and "Emblem of the World"

Aug 17, 2009 Dirty Projectors

The Brooklyn-based avant-pop band Dirty Projectors have already survived a van crash, the rest of their summer tour and are continuing to support their album-of-the-year contender, Bitte Orca. The next step on the press cycle is the release of a 12-inch single, which drops September 28th on Domino and will feature two new songs, “Ascending Melody” and “Emblem Of The World.” The release will only be available in the U.K. during the band’s September tour.

Also included in the new release will be Temecula Sunrise” and “Cannibal Resource,” from the album proper. The 12-inch single’s tracklist is below. At the moment, DP’s doing the festival circuit in Europe.

Temecula Sunrise 12-inch single:

01 Temecula Sunrise
02 Cannibal Resource
03 Ascending Melody
04 Emblem of the World



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