Dr. Dog to Release ANTI- Debut Shame, Shame in April | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Dr. Dog to Release ANTI- Debut Shame, Shame in April

Band to Tour This Spring

Jan 12, 2010 Dr. Dog Bookmark and Share

Dr. Dog’s new album Shame, Shame will be released April 6th by ANTI- Records, their first record for the label. The album was produced by Robert Schnapf (Beck, The Vines, Elliott Smith). Dr. Dog will be heading out on a tour throughout the United States, with few International stops too. The dates are below:

TOUR DATES (more to be announced):

January 27 Revolution Hall Troy, NY *
January 28 Higher Ground Burlington, VT *
January 29 Lupo’s Providence, RI *
January 30 Westcott Theatre Syracuse, NY *
February 1 Mohawk Place Buffalo, NY *
February 3 The Pike Room Pontiac, MI *
February 4 Turner Hall Milwaukee, WI *
February 5 High Noon Saloon Madison, WI *
February 6 The Mill Iowa City, IA *
February 8 Waiting Room Omaha, NE *
February 9 Rock Island Brewing Co. Rock Island, IL *
February 10 Case Western University Cleveland, OH *
February 11 Video Saloon Bloomington, IN *
February 12 Newport Music Hall Columbus, OH *
February 13 State Theatre State College, PA *
April 14 Lee’s Place Toronto, ON
April 15 Blind Pig Ann Arbor, MI
April 16 Metro Chicago, IL
April 17 Fine Line Minneapolis, MN
April 19 Belly Up Aspen, CO
April 20 Gothic Theatre Denver, CO
April 22 Neuroluz Boise, ID
April 23 Wonder Ballroom Portland, OR
April 24 Great American Music Hall San Francisco, CA
April 25 Great American Music Hall San Francisco, CA **
April 27 Henry Fonda Los Angeles, CA **
April 29 Santa Fe Brewing Company Santa Fe, NM **
April 30 The Loft Dallas, TX **
May 1 Emo’s Outside Austin, TX **
May 2 Warehouse Live Studio Houston, TX **
May 3 Majestic Fayetteville, AR **
May 5 Workplay Birmingham, AL **
May 6 Cannery Ballroom Nashville, TN **
May 7 Headliners Louisville, KY **
May 11 Paradise Boston, MA **
May 12 Paradise Boston, MA **
May 13 Electric Factory Philadelphia, PA **



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