East India Youth, Deers, and SOAK to Play by:Larm 2015 | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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East India Youth, Deers, and SOAK to Play by:Larm 2015

March 4-7 in Oslo, Norway

Nov 27, 2014 By:Larm 2015

For the first time in its eighteen year history, Oslo festival by:Larm will welcome non-Nordic acts.

“With more international attendees, we’ll have their focus entirely on Norwegian and Nordic music for four days,” explains festival coordinator, Joakim Haugland. “That will be guaranteed to benefit the Nordic music industry in the long term.”

East India Youth, Deers, and SOAK will be the first bands to play the festival. They join previously announced Nordic acts Samaris, Karin Park, Vulkano, Rytmeklubben and more.

The event takes place March 4-7 in Oslo, Norway. For more on the festival and to buy tickets, check out the official by:Larm site.



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