Goldfrapp to Release Head First on Cassette for Record Store Day | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
Monday, November 11th, 2024  

Goldfrapp to Release Head First on Cassette for Record Store Day

Plus Sleeveface Competition

Mar 29, 2010 Goldfrapp

Who says the cassette tape is dead? As reported on their Facebook page, Goldfrapp will release their new album Head First on cassette on April 17, in celebration of Record Store Day. There will only 500 copies and they will be available at independent record shops.

Also, the band is currently having a sleeveface-inspired competition where fans print the new album cover and include them in photographs that are then to be posted to the band’s website. Check them out and take part at Goldfrapp’s official website. The competition lasts until June 30 and the winners will receive a framed copy of their photo, as signed by Goldfrapp’s Alison Goldfrapp and Will Gregory. Twenty runners up will receive a Head First cassette, so that you can rock the album like it’s 1986!


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