James Murphy Offers LCD Soundsystem Album Update - Could Be Out in Six Weeks | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
Wednesday, January 22nd, 2025  

James Murphy Offers LCD Soundsystem Album Update - Could Be Out in Six Weeks

"We're done with the record."

May 30, 2017 LCD Soundsystem

LCD Soundsystem originally broke up in 2011, but they have since reformed, have played some shows, and are prepping a new album. Earlier this month the James Murphy led band released two new songs, “Call the Police” and “American Dream,” and performed them both on Saturday Night Live. Now Murphy has posted an update on the album in a Facebook post. Murphy says the album is done and he’s trying to get it released the quickest way possible. “I’ve been wrangling the fastest route between final mix and record release for the past few weeks so that there isn’t such a lag, and I think it’ll be soon,” he writes. “6 weeks is the very fastest, I think, but it will likely be longer than that.” Read the full post below.

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