L.A. Band The Singles Take Legal Action Towards Scarlett Johansson’s New Band Over Name | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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L.A. Band The Singles Take Legal Action Towards Scarlett Johansson’s New Band Over Name

Issue A Cease-and-Desist

Feb 26, 2015 Scarlett Johansson Bookmark and Share

Last week, actress Scarlett Johansson announced the formation of a new musical project alongside HAIM’s Este Haim, Holly Miranda, Kendra Morris, and Julia Haltigan called The Singles, releasing the group’s debut track, “Candy.” Unfortunately, another L.A.-based band called The Singles, who have actually been around since 1999, aren’t too happy about this, and have issued a cease-and-desist towards the group in regards to trackmark infringement.

“I woke up one morning and learned from the news that our band name was literally just taken by someone else as their own,” frontman Vincent Frederick wrote in a press release explaining their position. “It’s hard to believe that any musician would do something like that to another band. The Singles has been my life for the past 16 years. We have worked so incredibly hard to make it a success.”

Frederick goes on to point out, “Our band, The Singles, has an account on nearly all social media sites and our music is available in record shops, on iTunes, SoundCloud, and other websites. Just a simple search on Google would have revealed that ‘The Singles’ was already a band name being used by another pop/rock band—our band.”


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Harry Louis
September 3rd 2018

Love to here L.A. Band.
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