LCD Soundsystem’s In-the-Studio Clip Reveals New Song Snippet | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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LCD Soundsystem’s In-the-Studio Clip Reveals New Song Snippet

Recorded at the Infamous Laurel Canyon Mansion

Jan 25, 2010 LCD Soundsystem

James Murphy and LCD Soundsystem have started to disperse some viral videos shot while Murphy was in L.A. this past summer recording the follow-up to 2007 party-starter Sound of Silver. The untitled third (and possibly last LCD full-length) is scheduled to come out sometime this spring. The sessions took place at the Laurel Canyon Mansion where The Red Hot Chili Peppers infamously recorded Blood Sugar Sex Magic. The rumored haunted house is also legendary in other ways. It was once the home of Errol Flynn (the current owner is famed producer Rick Rubin) and it’s also the site where The Beatles first dropped acid and Jimi Hendrix experimented with gay sex.

“I always have to live where I’m recording to make a LCD record otherwise I get distracted, I don’t get to work ‘til three,” Murphy said of the dwelling, which included a private pool. “This way I wake up and I’m already here. Why would anybody go to a studio? Look how fucking awesome this place is.”

Murphy’s crew doesn’t exactly go crazy in the video below, but they share a few giggles and a small segment of a new track. LCD is scheduled to open for Jay-Z at the Coachella main stage on April 16th. Check out more live dates here. (Via NME.)



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