Listen: 13-Minute Version of “DoYaThing” | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
Sunday, January 19th, 2025  

Listen: 13-Minute Version of “DoYaThing”

Gorillaz Share Extended Cut with André 3000 and James Murphy

Feb 24, 2012 Gorillaz

Remember yesterday when “DoYaThing,” the Converse-sponsored music collaboration between Gorillaz, LCD Soundsystem’s James Murphy, and André 3000 turned out to be just a part of a much larger cut and that it would see the light of day at a later date? Turns out that date is today, as the extended 13-minute version was debut by 101.7 The End this morning. Featuring lots of ab lib free-styling and an epic outtro, head over to the radio station’s website to give it a listen.



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