Listen: Du Blonde (Formerly Beth Jeans Houghton) - “Black Flag” | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Listen: Du Blonde (Formerly Beth Jeans Houghton) - “Black Flag”

New Album This Spring

Feb 17, 2015 Du Blonde

After releasing a single album under her own name, UK musical artist Beth Jeans Houghton is poised to return with a new LP this spring under her new moniker Du Blonde. Providing fans a glimpse of what’s to come, Houghton has shared a brand new track titled, “Black Flag.” “I feel no need to ease people in,” says Houghton in a statement. “‘Black Flag’ is a good representation of the direction of the album. There are a few quieter, thoughtful tracks but the general mood is one of finally cracking. The record is a powerful release for me. It’s the result of finally sitting down and taking a look at my life, what I was angry about, what I needed to change.”

Click below to listen and download a copy here.



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Canada national flags
May 4th 2015

Black Flag is a very good song!