Listen: James Murphy Previews Idea for Musical Turnstiles in NYC Subway System | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
Sunday, January 19th, 2025  

Listen: James Murphy Previews Idea for Musical Turnstiles in NYC Subway System

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Feb 24, 2014 LCD Soundsystem Photography by Araby Williams

Last year former LCD Soundsystem frontman and NYC resident James Murphy revealed a long-gestating idea of making the turnstiles of the city’s subway stations produce music. By implementing more pleasant tones, as opposed to the current system’s shrieking alarm, the frequency of incoming and outgoing passengers would effectively create small soundtracks for individual stations.

In a new video report posted online by the Wall Street Journal, Murphy discusses his proposal in more detail, even previewing what it could potentially sound like.

In an interview with Chicago’s radio program Sound Opinions last year Murphy said, “I want to make every station in New York have a different set of dominant keys so that people who grow up will later on in life hear a piece of music and say, ‘Oh, that’s like Union Square.’”

Given that New York’s Metropolitan Transportation Authority recently announced a $900,000-a-year project to renovate the turnstiles, Murphy believes it to be the perfect time to put his idea to use.

While New York City MTA spokesman Adam Lisberg calls Murphy’s plan “a very cool idea,” one that has been proposed by others in the past, he says the authority isn’t excited about the idea of temporarily taking each of the city’s 3,289 tunrstiles out of service “for an art project.”

Undeterred, Murphy has launched a petition for the project. Click here to sign, and scroll down below to watch the report.



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