Listen: Liars – “I Saw You From the Lifeboat” MP3 Stream | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Listen: Liars – “I Saw You From the Lifeboat” MP3 Stream

Two New Tracks and A Slew Of tour Dates

May 16, 2013 Liars

Heading out on the road has made Liars feel generous. Today, the band released two new tracks. You know, just to give fans warm fuzzies. Watch “I Saw You From the Lifeboat” below, and then head to the Youtube page to grab “Perfume Tear.

“After releasing WIXIW and returning home from touring there was a palpable sense of creative relief and release,” says Liars’ Angus Andrew, via press release. “We relished in the opportunity to make stuff under no real directive and began almost immediately to produce all kinds of unrelated works. It’s a great position to be in creatively so we decided to share a small portion of the results with you today. Both of these songs happened almost instantly, and, in sharp contrast to the music we produced for WIXIW, were not labored over or scrutinized. It’s been great for us to recall the immediacy and excitement of creating music on the fly—unrestricted by subject matter and void of preoccupations about how it should ‘work’ in the greater context of things.”

Tour Dates:


18 - The Temple of Dendur, The Met, New York

19 – Le Poisson Rouge, New York

23 – Reims, La Cartonerrie, France

24 May - Bad Bonn Kilbi Festival, Dudingen, Switzerland

25 May - Primavera Sound, Barcelona, Spain

27 May – Rome, Circolo Artisti, Italy

28 May – Verona, Interzona, Italy

29 May – Torino, Musica 90 Molodiciotto, Italy

30 May – Marseille, Cabaret Aleatoire, France

1 June – Optimus Primavera, Porto, Portugal

5 June - Stereolux, Nantes, France

6 June – Paris, Trabendo, France

8 June – Brighton, The Haunt

9 June – Parklife Festival, Manchester

13 June - Sonar Festival, Barcelona, Spain

15 June – Barby, Tel Aviv, Israel



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