Listen: Nite Jewel - “One Second of Love” | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Listen: Nite Jewel - “One Second of Love”

New Album Out March 6

Dec 06, 2011 Nite Jewel

California dance-pop artist Ramona Gonzalez, aka Nite Jewel, has announced the follow-up to her 2009 record Good Evening. The new full-length One Second of Love is scheduled for release on March 6 via Secretly Canadian. You can listen to the album’s synthy title-track below, as well as check out the work’s tracklisting.

One Second Of Love by Nite Jewel

One Second of Love:

01 This Story
02 One Second of Love
03 She’s Always Watching You
04 Mind & Eyes
05 In the Dark
06 Memory, Man
07 Unearthly Delights
08 No I Don’t
09 Autograph
10 Clive



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