Listen: Ra Ra Riot - “Dance with Me” (Walk the Moon Remix) | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
Saturday, February 15th, 2025  

Listen: Ra Ra Riot - “Dance with Me” (Walk the Moon Remix)

New Album Beta Love Out Now

Jun 07, 2013 Ra Ra Riot

Currently on road supporting The Postal Service on their reunion tour, Ra Ra Riot have premiered a remix of their single “Dance with Me,” taken off their latest album Beta Love. Helmed by Eli Maiman, guitarist for the Cincinnati band Walk the Moon, the new interpretation showcases a heavier emphasis on the song’s running bass riff and throws in some spacey synths for good measure. In an interview with Elle, who premiered the mix, Maiman says, “I jumbled up the parts and tried putting them back together in new, interesting ways. I really liked the guitar and baritone part so I ended up using those a lot!” Click below to listen.



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