Listen: Ted Leo Shares New Politically-Charged Anti-Trump Song “In the Mean Times” | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Listen: Ted Leo Shares New Politically-Charged Anti-Trump Song “In the Mean Times”

As Part of Kickstarter's "Election Issues" Series

Oct 25, 2016 Ted Leo and the Pharmacists

Never one to shy away from protest music and political statements, punk rocker Ted Leo has shared a new politically-charged song “In the Mean Times.” It is part of Kickstarter’s “Election Issues” series and is accompanied by an essay about the song and against Donald Trump. Listen below.

Here’s an excerpt of what Leo had to say about the song: “I’ve been writing political or ‘issue driven’ songs for as long as I’ve been writing songs (which, at this point, qualifies as a pretty long time). There’s been one thing that has always stuck in my craw, and that has thus always cropped up in my songwriting: racism and hatred of others because of their perceived ‘otherness.’ AS FATE WOULD HAVE IT, this has also been a constant - if not THE MOST constant - theme in the political life of Donald Trump (other than the narcissistic advancement of Donald Trump).” Head over to Kickstarter to read the full essay, which is much longer, and to also check out the song’s lyrics.


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