Listen to Previously Unreleased Kurt Cobain Demo of Nirvana’s “Been a Son” | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Listen to Previously Unreleased Kurt Cobain Demo of Nirvana’s “Been a Son”

Montage of Heck: The Home Recordings Due Out November 13

Nov 05, 2015 Kurt Cobain Bookmark and Share

On November 13 Montage of Heck: The Home Recordings, a collection of Kurt Cobain demos, is being released. It ties into the documentary Kurt Cobain: Montage of Heck, which aired on HBO earlier this year, as well as screening in theaters. Now a track from the album, an early demo of Nirvana’s “Been a Son,” has been shared. The song was originally released in two different versions, one on 1989’s Blew EP and another on 1992’s Incesticide compilation. The less than 90-second demo is very rough, just Cobain strumming an unplugged electric guitar and singing nonsense lyrics to work out the melody. Check it out below, via Rolling Stone.


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July 14th 2016

This will be the third summer I’ve had off with Abby and it do#7e&n821s;t get any easier as we thinking about it ending and Abby going back to school.  Transitions I think are as hard on us as they are on the kiddos. Sigh.Twitter: