M.I.A. Reveals New Album Art | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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M.I.A. Reveals New Album Art

Out July 13th

Jun 02, 2010

Bright Colors? Crowded Graphics? Not-so-subtle political overtone? Yup, looks like a M.I.A. album cover. Today the New York Times-battling rapper reveled the cover of hard-to-spell-check third album, / \ / \ / \ Y / \ (due out June 13th), and even though it’s not the systematic murder of redheads, we suspect it’ll raise its fair share of eyebrows with its image of M.I.A. being covered with by a mess of YouTube players (perhaps in reference to censorship).


1. The Message

2. Born Free

3. Meds and Feds

4. Lovealot

5. Tequilla

6. It Is What It Is


8. Tell Me Why

9. Story Told

10. Space



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