Watch Mac DeMarco’s Jokey Dead Sea Travel Documentary | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Watch Mac DeMarco’s Jokey Dead Sea Travel Documentary

Mac DeMarco’s Jokey Dead Sea Travel Documentary

Jun 15, 2015 Mac DeMarco

Today Mac DeMarco posted to Twitter a link to a jokey travel documentary shot at the Dead Sea when he and his band recently played Israel. The whole thing features a ridiculously over-the-top voice over by DeMarco. On Twitter he joked: “I’m giving up music for a career in voiceover.”

The video was written, filmed, directed, and edited by DeMarco’s bassist Pierce McGarry (although the video’s YouTube page jokes that National Geographic produced it) and can be watched below.

DeMarco is also releasing a new eight-song mini-album, Another One, on August 7 via Captured Tracks. Read our interview with DeMarco last year about his 2014 album Salad Days.


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