MGMT Share Trippy Video for New Song “When You Die” | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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MGMT Share Trippy Video for New Song “When You Die”

Little Dark Age Due Out in February, Video Stars Alex Karpovsky

Dec 12, 2017 Alex Karpovsky

MGMT (Andrew VanWyngarden and Ben Goldwasser) are releasing a new album, Little Dark Age, early next year. Previously they shared a gothic video for the album’s title track, “Little Dark Age.” Now they have shared another song from the album, “When You Die,” via a trippy video that stars actor Alex Karpovsky (Girls) as a struggling magician. Watch it below via The New Yorker, who premiered it. The New Yorker also says the album is due out in February (previously the release month was unknown).

Little Dark Age was produced by MGMT, former Chairlift member Patrick Wimberly, and long-time collaborator Dave Fridmann (The Flaming Lips, Mercury Rev, who has worked on all three of their previous albums). The album is the follow-up to 2013’s MGMT.

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