MGMT Stream “Congratulations,” Jónsi Covers “Time to Pretend” | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
Friday, October 11th, 2024  

MGMT Stream “Congratulations,” Jónsi Covers “Time to Pretend”

Move In Response to Album Leak

Mar 24, 2010 MGMT

In response to a widespread leak, MGMT is now streaming sophomore album Congratulations in full on their website. In an accompanying note, the band says the following:

“Hey everybody, the album leaked, and we wanted you to be able to hear it from us. We wanted to offer it as a free download but that didn’t make sense to anyone but us.”

Still longing for the “old” MGMT? Probably not going to happen any time soon. Instead, check out Jónsi‘s cover of “Time to Pretend” (via Stereogum).



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November 27th 2012

You have more useful info than the Bristih had colonies pre-WWII.

November 27th 2012

This artilce went ahead and made my day.