Nightlands (Dave Hartley of The War on Drugs) Shares Video for New Song “Stare Into the Sun” | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
Monday, November 4th, 2024  

Nightlands (Dave Hartley of The War on Drugs) Shares Video for New Song “Stare Into the Sun”

Moonshine Due Out July 15 via Western Vinyl

Jun 22, 2022 Photography by Charlie Boss

Nightlands (the solo project of The War on Drugs’ Dave Hartley) has shared a video for his new song “Stare Into the Sun.” It is the latest release from his forthcoming studio album, Moonshine, which will be out on July 15 via Western Vinyl. View the Matt Sheffield-directed video below.

“The spark for this song started when I heard ‘Human Nature’ (from Thriller) at a gas station,” states Hartley in a press release. “The chords in the intro of that tune activated something in my heart and I wanted to write something with similar modulating chords. There’s some surrealism happening here. Hundreds of vocals overdubbed creating an uncanny, fractured gospel vibe. The lyrics stand in contrast to the overall vibe, though: it’s a lush, melancholy song about pure anger. I love the arpeggiating synth solo in the break and I’m proud of the way the lyrics poured out. It didn’t feel like composition, it felt like therapy.”

Upon announcement of the new album back in April, Hartley shared the title track, “Moonshine.” He later shared the album track “No Kiss For the Lonely.”

Hartley’s last solo album, I Can Feel the Night Around Me, came out in 2017 via Western Vinyl.

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