Panda Bear Talks About Working On Daft Punk’s New Album | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Panda Bear Talks About Working On Daft Punk’s New Album

Random Access Memories Out May 21

Apr 24, 2013 Animal Collective

Over the past several weeks in the lead-up to their much-anticipated new album Random Access Memories, Daft Punk have been airing a series of testimonal videos featuring the collaborators and contributors that joined them in making the record. The most recently premiered video interview is with Animal Collective’s Panda Bear, a.k.a. Noah Lennox, who discussed his introduction to the band and the dance music genre, as well as his nervousness going into the studio and having only three days to put together something great alongside the French robots. Click below to watch.

Random Access Memories is out May 21 via Daft Life Limited and Columbia Records.



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July 14th 2016

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