Panda Bear To Premiere New Album Via Global Radio Listening Sessions | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Panda Bear To Premiere New Album Via Global Radio Listening Sessions

Panda Bear Meets the Grim Reaper Out Jan. 13

Jan 02, 2015 Panda Bear Bookmark and Share

On Jan. 13 Animal Collective member Panda Bear, a.k.a. Noah Lennox, will release his brand new solo album Panda Bear Meets the Grim Reaper. This Sunday, ahead of the record’s arrival, Lennox is launching a series of radio listening sessions to hear the album in its entirety. Starting with Mary Ann Hobbs’ BBC 6 show—which airs from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. GMT—the album’s tracks will be revealed in sequence as the international dateline crosses countries such as Portugal, Colombia, the U.S., Mexico, Australia, Japan, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and France.

Panda Bear’s label Domino has provided an interactive map for all the premiere information and links for streaming.



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Steven Wyer
January 3rd 2015

One thing that we could have been really learning to do might also be anything that we might want to be doing so well.