Check Out Photos from CMJ 2011 Day One Including Zambri | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Zambri at CMJ 2011

Check Out Photos from CMJ 2011 Day One Including Zambri

Plus Wise Blood and Adventure

Oct 19, 2011 Zambri Photography by Wendy Lynch Redfern

Check out photos from Day One of CMJ 2011 in New York, NY including Zambri, Wise Blood and Adventure. Photographer Wendy Lynch Redfern down to capture the action. See the full gallery here.


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July 18th 2012

You know, when you are lovesick in a way that makes you sick to your socamth? I could have written losing their minds,  and while that is a more socially used expression, I hardly think insanity accurately describes like. I thought the Atlas Sound album was, well, a little boring. And less layered.

July 14th 2016

Cuando abrí la primera foto vi la estela de luz y pensé que era una mancha de mi pantalla. Qué regalo. Yo sólo he visto uno en mi vida.Puedo imaginarme a tus gatos en su peajlepidrd. Lucky sólo se siente así de confundido cuando le cambio la marca de croquetas.Yo he tenido cielos nublados las últimas semanas, pero espero pronto despeje a ver si nos toca ver un cachito del mismo cielo por acá.