Premiere: “Against the Storm Episode 1” by Dawn Golden and Rosy Cross | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Premiere: “Against the Storm Episode 1” by Dawn Golden and Rosy Cross

A Modern Take on The Golden Age of Radio

Oct 12, 2011 Dawn Golden

This is cool. Today, Dawn Golden and Rosy Cross mastermind Dexter Tortoriello sent over the first in a haunting series he’s calling, “Against the Storm.” As Tortoriello explains it:

“I’ve been interested by the radio for quite a long time. Not so much as a means to distribute music, but more as a form of communication. Specifically early 1920’s ‘Golden Age of Radio’ broadcasting, where you could tune in and hear a mix of music, stories, news, etcetera. I’ve always found a certain loneliness in the drifting signals; someone broadcasting into your home or car from a distant location, sharing things with complete strangers in hopes of someone listening.

Against the Storm is just this. An attempt to materialize a world that I’ve created in my subconscious and share it with whoever is listening. Each episode will be a collection of music, sounds, and voices all telling a part of a bigger story, taking place somewhere you’ve never seen, in a time you never lived. For now, the episodes will be posted online and archived, but I hope soon to build a small shortwave setup and broadcast live onto open air.”

Check out our exclusive premiere of the project below, or pick up a copy of our latest issue to see our “Pleased to Meet You” feature with Dawn Golden and Rosy Cross.

Against The Storm Episode 1 by Dawn Golden & Rosy Cross


Cliff Martinez: “He Had a Good Time”*

The Paris Sisters: “I Love How You Love Me”*

Skeeter Davis: “The End of the World”*

The Caretaker: “Mental Caverns Without Sunshine*

Dawn Golden and Rosy Cross: “Colorblind” (Counting Crows Cover)

Gregor Samsa: “Makeshift Shelters”*

*Edited and generally repurposed by Dawn Golden and Rosy Cross




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October 13th 2011

this is a great idea, and i love it.

tom green
November 28th 2014

i do agree with you ,althow you wrote some controversial stuff. green card lottery .