Premiere: Big Black Delta Mixtape | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
Saturday, February 15th, 2025  

Premiere: Big Black Delta Mixtape

Music for a Rainy Day

Jan 16, 2012 Big Black Delta

We’re quite taken with “Pleased to Meet You” artist Big Black Delta’s blend of romanticism and ear-shattering electronics. Of course, leadman Jonathan Bates (who live is joined by not one, but two drummers) also has a softer side—as evidenced by this mixtape he sent over to premiere Under the Radar. Judging by the clouds outside our office window, today could be a perfect time to take a listen.

Says Bates about the project; “Rain is rare in Los Angeles, so when the occasion arises, it’s good to have a moody set of songs. These are some of my favorite ones to zone out to. Get your pull.”

Big Black Delta Mixtape for Under the Radar Magazine by Under_Radar_Mag on Mixcloud

Check out the mixtape and tracklist below.


1. “Perfect Life” - Belong

2. “A New Dawn” - Makeup and Vanity Set

3. “Stoner Girl” - Wiskey Biscuit

4. “Attends ou va t’en” - France Gall

5. “The Old Mans Back Again” - Scott Walker

6. “Betamax” Remix - SONOIO

7. “Analog Paralysis, 1978” - Tim Hecker



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