Premiere: E. Scott Lindner Shares New Track “21” | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
Wednesday, February 12th, 2025  

Premiere: E. Scott Lindner Shares New Track “21”

In Flowers Through Space Due Out This Friday via Infinity Gritty/Ropeadope

Feb 25, 2020 E. Scott Lindner

New York-based audio engineer/composer E. Scott Lindner has shared his new track “21,” off of his forthcoming album In Flowers Through Space, due out this Friday via Infinity Gritty/Ropeadope, and we are pleased to premiere it. The track is a gorgeous, sprawling, cosmic meditation that fuses avant-jazz and modern classical composition. The track is the culmination of the albums’ use of the Fibonnaci Sequence to determine how many musicians played on each track, as you might have guessed, this one has 21. Check out the track below.

On the making of the track, Lindner had this to say: “Being the last track on the album, and following the Fibonacci sequence like the rest of the album, this track has 21 Musicians, and is grandiose to say the least. It was co composed by E Scott Lindner and Alex Van-Gils. Scott sat down with Alex and gave him a written vision of what the track should feel like. It went as follows: ‘Willy Wonka and James Bond float through the unknown universe on a magical journey of discovery and dreams.’ The end result is a perfect match to the feeling I was trying to convey.”

Alongside the release of the album will be a documentary that follows the recording of the album.

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