Premiere: Jaakko Eino Kalevi Mixtape (by:Larm Edition) | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Premiere: Jaakko Eino Kalevi Mixtape (by:Larm Edition)

by:Larm Runs Feb 26-March 1 in Oslo, Norway

Feb 28, 2014 Jaakko Eino Kalevi Bookmark and Share

Under the Radar is in Oslo, Norway this week for by:Larm. Our special mixtape series celebrating the festival continues with an entry from Finland’s Jaakko Eino Kalevi.

“I got the inspiration for this mix from the ‘Infinite monkey theorem,’ says Kalevi of his mix. “The theorem states that a monkey hitting keys randomly on a typewriter for infinity will inevitably write all the literal works in the world, plus much more. This mix represents one possible combination of sounds, notes, songs and order.”

Jaakko Eino Kalevi Mixtape For Under the Radar Magazine (by:Larm Edition) by Under_Radar_Mag on Mixcloud


1. Pekka Streng: Kaukana

2. D Spence: Azure

3. Infinite Bisous: Confused Porn

4. Mikhail Chekalin: Вокализ в рапиде

5. Winston Tong: Reports From The Heart

6. Kuusumun Profeetta: Vuosisadan Vaihteessa

7. Bill Nelson: First Memory

8. Spontaneous Overthrow: Money

9. DJ Candle In The Wind: Track 31






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