Premiere: Jo Goes Hunting’s Iceland Airwaves Mixtape | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
Tuesday, December 10th, 2024  

Premiere: Jo Goes Hunting’s Iceland Airwaves Mixtape

Airwaves Goes Down Nov 1-5 in Iceland…Obviously

Oct 23, 2017 Jo Goes Hunting

Our Iceland Airwaves mixtape series returns this week with more hidden gems from the upcoming festival. (See you all in a little over two weeks!) This time Dutch musician Jo Goes Hunting (otherwise known as Jimmi Jo Hueting) has favorited us with a mix of a few of his favorites, including Animal Collective, Riuichi Sakamoto, and Beach Boys.

The selection is a combination of stuff I’m into and own work,” he explains of his picks. “Some of it is sampled from my personal records.(You’ll probably hear some extra cracking sounds.) The bands that I chose are some of my all-time favorites, and I see all of them as pioneers. The opener is from a Bali Gambling compilation record, Majakatha is from a pretty rare South African compilation record wich is called Sheshwe, The sound of the mines. As a closing track I chose for my drum hero, Max Roach. My own songs are “Winner “and “Hell of Mine,” which are both kind of a sneak peak in yet-to-be released work.

Listen below. Need more? We got you covered. Revisit mixes from Tonik Ensemble, Pale Honey, Good Moon Deer, Hildur, Lost Horizons, EinarIndra, and Una Stef. Looking for last minute festival info? Yup, we’ve got that too.


1. Ballet Rayamana (kendangs, suling, genders, sarons, bonangs and gongs)

2. Animal Collective: Leaf house

3. Riuichi Sakamoto: カチャクチャン(Kachakuchane)

4. Jo Goes Hunting: Hell of Mine

5. Beach Boys: That’s not me

6. R. Stevie Moore: California Rhythm

7. Jo Goes Hunting: Winner

8. Pere Ubu: Navvy

9. Majakatha: Bana Baleha

10. Max Roach: Freedom Day






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