Premiere: La Sera - “10 Headed Goat Wizard” Video | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Premiere: La Sera - “10 Headed Goat Wizard” Video

Sun-Blasted Exuberance, Split-Screens, and a Tandem Bike

Sep 04, 2015 La Sera

Since the release of last year’s Hour of the Dawn, Katy Goodman’s La Sera project has kept relatively quiet. Fortunately, Goodman and company have returned today with a video for “10 Headed Goat Wizard,” an effervescent highlight from that 2014 LP. Below, you can watch the clip, which features some decidedly twee use of split-screens and L.A. locales.

Here’s director Jason Lester’s take:
“The video is an attempt to visualize the feeling of sun-blasted exuberance that permeates the song. The kind of exuberance that makes you want to ride a bike through the back streets of Venice en route to a kaleidoscopic mosaic wonderland.”

Additionally, on September 5, La Sera will be performing at The Observatory in Santa Ana as part of the Burger-a-Go-Go festival. Hour of the Dawn is out now on Hardly Art.



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