Premiere: Pink Street Boys’ Iceland Airwaves Mixtape | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
Tuesday, December 10th, 2024  

Premiere: Pink Street Boys’ Iceland Airwaves Mixtape

Airwaves Goes Down Nov 1-5 in Iceland…Obviously

Oct 27, 2017 mixtapes

Ready for a creepy Friday? The newest installment of our Iceland Airwaves mixtape project features Pink Street Boys. They’re calling it Freddy’s Killer Tunes and Tracks.

“This mixtape came to me in a nightmare,” the band says of their picks. “Freddy was there. Jason too. But they were nice and let me listen to some of their favorite tunes and tracks. My festival tip? Don’t fall asleep….”

Enough said. Listen below. Then revist mixes from Ásgeir, Jo Goes Hunting, Tonik Ensemble, Pale Honey, Good Moon Deer, Hildur, Lost Horizons, EinarIndra, and Una Stef. Still need in festival info? Yeah we’ve got that too.


1. Sick Thoughts: Coming Over

2. Pink Street Boys: Rippin’ it Up (cut from Hits#1)

3. Beat Happening: Pajama Party in a Haunted Hive

4. Klaus Weiss: Dirt Track

5. Fallega Gulrótin: Pönkland

6. Child Molesters: Hillside Strangler

7. Skeptics: AFFCO






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Samuel Morice
October 27th 2017

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