Premiere: Shiny Darkly Share New Video for “Monk in Doubt” | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Premiere: Shiny Darkly Share New Video for “Monk in Doubt”

Bronze Out Now via Crunchy Frog

Feb 20, 2019 Shiny Darkly

Experimental Danish post-punk trio Shiny Darkly have shared their new video for “Monk in Doubt,” off of their newly released album Bronze, and we are pleased to premiere it. Sparse and encompassing all at once, the track pairs a plodding martial groove with post-Roxy Music glam assertiveness for a strangely catchy hook. The video­­—shot while the band was on tour in France and Germany, and then later edited by lead singer Kristoffer Bech—features a demonically gaunt Bech montaged with footage of neon lights and highway medians for a truly Lynchian nightmare-scape. Check out the video, album artwork, and tracklist below. Bronze came out last Friday via Crunchy Frog.

Composed of Kristoffer Bech (guitar and vocals), Mads Lassen (drums and percussion), and Oliver Matthew Volz (bass and synth), the trio have undergone several permutations in different incarnations through the years. Bronze marks the groups sophomore effort in this arrangement, following on the heels of 2014’s Little Earth. The album features production work from both Jens Benz (Iceage, Yung, Omar Soleyman) and Nis Bysted (Marching Church, Lower, Thulebasen).

Bronze Tracklist:

01. New Country
02. Perfect
03. The Lake Mirrors It All
04. Monk in Doubt
05. Instructor and Crowd
06. WW
07. Tango
08. Time as a Person

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